Our New Addition to the Upbeet Lineup: Upbeet Recovery Powder!

So excited to introduce Upbeet Recovery Powder to our Sisu Sports Nutrition lineup.  This organic powder provides 15 grams of complete plant based protein per scoop, made up from hemp seed protein, brown rice protein, and pea isolate protein.  Still has our amazing proprietary blend of concentrated beet root, red raspberry, goji berry, and mango, to allow proper glycogen replenishment for those demanding workouts.  Order today and save!  http://www.getupbeet.com

Vegan Friendly

Coming Soon: Eco-Friendly Upbeet Pouch!

Please pardon our interruption as we transition to our more Eco-Friendly Stand-Up Pouch design for Upbeet Endurance Powder.  Our new packaging uses 70% less materials and is fully recyclable. For customers wishing to save money on our new design, we are taking pre-orders on our website at www.getupbeet.com and shipping out 9/1/15.standup

Upbeet is going Eco-Friendly!

Upbeet is committed to providing the optimal product to meet the demands of the human body, as well as being as environmentally friendly as possible.  With this being said, Upbeet is moving from a 5.5oz plastic cogoldstandbagntainer, to a 7 oz Eco-Friendly pouch.  In order to do this we are selling through our existing inventory and hoping to have the transition within the next 30 days.  As a small company who just started in March of 2015, we are asking for assistance in raising the investment to make this transition.  If you are able to assist, we are deeply grateful and will offer discounts in return for your investment, small or large.  You can view our fundraising campaign at http://www.gofundme.com/getupbeet

Thank you, and healthy wishes!

The Silent Killer

It still amazes me the abundance of “nutritional supplements” hitting the market that society flocks towards, all in response to achieve that “killer workout”.  Well, you might not be that far off.  Over 90% of the nutritional supplements, greater for Pre-workouts, are loaded with artificial sweeteners, such as Aspartame and Sucralose.  These artificial sweeteners have no long term health studies concluded, however, research is showing the direct cause and effect they provide to the body.  Both these sweeteners, are neurotoxins.  These amino acids are not the same as eating a piece of meat or poultry.  Upon ingestion, these neurotoxins attack your cells creating a toxic cellular overstimulation, even crossing your blood brain barrier attacking your brain cells.  All this from something that tastes sweet!  This is an excerpt from Dr. Mercola on artificial sweeteners:

“Aspartame, for instance, is a sweet-tasting neurotoxin. As a result of its unnatural structure, your body processes the amino acids found in aspartame very differently from a steak or a piece of fish.

The amino acids in aspartame literally attack your cells, even crossing the blood-brain barrier to attack your brain cells, creating a toxic cellular overstimulation, called excitotoxicity, similar to MSG.

Further, inflammatory bowel disease may be caused or exacerbated by the regular consumption of the popular artificial sweetener Splenda (sucralose), as it inactivates digestive enzymes and alters gut barrier function.2

Previous research also found that sucralose can destroy up to 50 percent of your beneficial gut flora.”

That is why the mission of Upbeet is to help teach people that creating energy can be naturally with the wonders of mother nature.  These types of products are slowly killing the foundation you work so hard to make healthy.  The sad part is, a person will not see the effects of these type of products till later in life when the body can no longer ward off against these attacks.

The next time you put a scoop of that artificial pre-workout into your shaker, ask yourself, “Is this worth damaging my body just for an extra dose of energy?”

Go natural, Go Upbeet!

The “Beet” on the Street with Upbeet!

beetbulletI am always amazed when I do events for Upbeet, how many people have never tried beets.  Honestly, what’s surprising is that the generation from the mid 30’s and older, have tried and mostly enjoy the taste, but the younger generation mostly have never tasted beets before.  As a beet lover, I will agree the taste of raw beets is very “earthy” yet sweet.  But with seasoning and some baking, beets can be a wonderful and nutritious compliment to any meal.  Not to mention, but if you have raw beets, which half my garden is, cutting a chunk off and adding to your dark color smoothie is a healthy boost.  Let’s take a look at the power of the beet:

  • Raw beets are rich in Vitamin A, B1, B6, C and minerals such as iron, copper, and magnesium.  Essential for a healthy immune system.,
  • Beet leaves are rich in fiber, which is important for a good digestive system and helping to lower cholesterol.
  • Beets are rich in folate which supports the synthesis of DNA in the cells and is extremely important for potential mothers to protect against neural tube defects of unborn babies.
  • High in antioxidants that which help neutralize free radical cell that have been known to contribute to chronic diseases like cancer.
  • High in dietary nitrates, which your body converts to nitrix oxide, which helps relax and expand blood vessels, allowing more blood flow.  Helps lower blood pressure and also shown to improve endurance among athletes in test studies.

Hope that helps shed some light on why you NEED beets in your diet.  If you can’t get past the taste of beets, than you need to try Upbeet Endurance Drink, which each scoop is the equivalent of consuming 2-3 whole beets with leaves!

Best “First-thing-in-the-morning” smoothie recipe with Upbeet

No doubt, if you are looking to give your immune system a indestructible shield to tackle the day, this recipe is the one.  It also has a refreshing taste to it, so there is no need to have to pinch your nose, to drink it.

replenisherUpbeet Replenisher:
1 scoop of Upbeet Endurance Powder
1 carrot
2 celery stalks
1/2 apple
1/2 banana
1/2 sqeezed lime
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
Blend well
More recipes on facebook.com/getupbeet
100% organic
nothing artificial
Rich in vitamin A,C,B1,B6, magnesium, iron

Enjoy in good health!

You Can’t Beat Beets For Performance!

Beet Root Proven to Increase- (1)When it comes to performance foods, beets are definitely one of the most beneficial foods to aide us in optimal endurance.  Nitric Oxide (NO), is a dietary component that has been shown to be a vaso-dilator.  Meaning, it expands our blood vessels allowing more oxygen to flow through out body.  In regards to performance, this oxygen-rich blood allows our muscles to contract for longer periods before fatigue sets in.  This NO in beets, is a by-product of the rich amounts of dietary nitrates found in beet root.  Once consumed, our body converts it to NO, increasing blood flow through the body.

Upbeet, contains organic beet root, that can be combined with water, or fruit juice, to aide in performance.  Each scoop of Upbeet contains 2-3 whole beets, without the “earthy” taste that raw beets provide.  Upbeet, to maximize human performance, should be taken an hour prior to exercise, and studies of beet root, show that maximal benefit of beet root happens after 5 days of beet root consumption.  In numerous studies, athletes in cycling, rowing, and running improved endurance levels up to 16% with the consumption of beet root juice.

Upbeet, comes in Fruit Punch, Mango, and Red Raspberry, yet contains no artificial flavors, no added sugar, no caffeine, no GMO, and is 100% certified organic.  At Upbeet, we believe getting a strong body starts on the inside!  Visit us at www.getupbeet.com

Red Raspberry packs a PUNCH!

Raspberries-eathealthylivefit_comCreating Upbeet, the primary goal was to find the most powerful fruits and vegetables that can assist in playing a vital role contributing to cardiovascular health and performance.  Learning about red raspberries, I discovered something called Anthocyanins, which is a pigment found in colorful fruits which also act to relax blood vessels improving circulation and providing more oxygen to muscles.  If you are not sure why oxygen is so important to provide muscle contraction, here is a brief physiology lesson:

When you begin moving or exercising, obviously muscles must contract to move your body around a specific joint.  Our muscles contain a high energy compound called ATP(adenosine triphosphate).  When this molecule breaks up, it releases energy allowing the muscles to contract.  Unfortunately, our muscles can only store a limited amount.  In order to create more of this ATP, our body needs another energy source it can quickly convert.  Glucose, is what allows life, and the quickest source our bodies can get glucose from is carbohydrates.  Fortunately, our muscles and liver can store this glucose in a form called glycogen.  When our muscles run out of ATP, this glycogen is quickly converted to glucose, and synthesized into ATP.  However, ATP when broken down releases a byproduct, called pyruvate, which converts to lactic acid if its not taken out of the muscle and your muscles will begin to burn and fatigue.  To take it out of the muscle so the muscle doesn’t fatigue, we need oxygen.  The more oxygen found in the blood, the more efficient our body is able to remove the pyruvate, which in turn, allows for longer periods of muscle contractions.  In addition to removing pyruvate, oxygen is also required in the process of breaking down fat molecules, which are extremely dense and very significant in energy production.  Thus, consuming foods that improve blood flow, equates to increased endurance levels and better performance.  Red Raspberries, which is the second ingredient found in Upbeet Endurance Powder, provide this benefit!  Not to mention, they taste great too!

Darren Stroh, MS, NASM-CES