Is your Pre-workout slowly killing you? The Story of Upbeet

The pre-workout supplement market has exploded in the last several years and it shows no signs of slowing down.  The supplement market, unfortunately not regulated in our country, leaves the door open to ambitious, artistic minds that can pull together ingredients loaded with caffeine, creatine, and a few amino acids, and combine with an artificial flavor and sweetener, and its off to the computer.  Business minded people know that people make purchases based on visual perception, so they know if they can create a label that stands out, they have a winner!  Never mind if this product is actually healthy for you, in fact, never mind if this product is dangerous, as long as it gives you the benefit of increased energy you are searching for.  A quick trip to your doctor may reveal information you do not want to hear.  Introducing:  Upbeet Endurance Powder, the story.

One of the things I always look forward to, is my brother visiting from Florida, which allows us the opportunity to workout together, catch up and just spend some brotherly time.  The last visit, I was taking a popular Pre-workout supplement (3 initials) and I always felt like I had a great workout when I took it.  When my brother was intrigued by my enthusiasm for the product, he started taking along with me.  He, like myself, thought the product was awesome!  Once he left, he informed me purchased the same product and continued to use it until his doctor visit and blood work changed that.  He called one afternoon, informed that after his blood work, his bilirubin levels were dangerously high.  He never experienced this before, and didn’t know exactly why, but realized his only dietary change was adding the preworkout into his routine.  Suspicious, he ceased taking it for several months, and went back for a follow up.  Sure enough, his bilirubin levels had diminished.  If you are not sure of what bilirubins are, they are a toxin found in the liver.  Over time, these can destroy your liver and your ability to clean out your blood system.  Now, are we 100% certain it was the pre-workout?  We didn’t feel subjecting our bodies to experimental purposes that cause health effects was something worth repeating, however, it is coincidental and left up to society to draw their own conclusion.  This is where Upbeet makes its entrance.

Having been a vegan for over a year, I became very informed and enlightened by the wonders food has on our body.  Over the last decade, we as a society have put more trust in scientists than we have mother nature.  It saddens me, but what I learned being vegan is the medicinal properties that natural organic food has on our body.  Everything that grows out of the ground, plays a vital role in our health and existence.  This is what food is.  Unfortunately, our society has switched to “food-like” products.  Products that resemble food, but have had the nutritional components stripped away.  So my search began on what does mother nature provide that gives us increased energy to perform at optimal levels:  1st ingredient:  Beets.  The wonders of beets is amazing.  They are high in dietary nitrates, which when consumed, our body converts to nitric oxide.  NO is a vaso-dilator, meaning it increases the size of our blood vessels allowing more oxygen-rich blood flow to the working muscles.  More oxygen to the muscle, means increased endurance and prolonged muscle contractions.  Now lets face it, if you are not familiar with beets, they have a very “earthy” flavor that not a lot of people would put high on their preferred taste list.  But as I continued to research beets, more and more studies have been conducted showing increased performance levels when athletes consume beet juice prior to exercise.  So I continued to search for more organic ingredients to help enhance the flavor, and improve performance.  I stumbled upon something called Anthocyanins.  This is the dark pigment that gives certain fruits their color.  Anthocyanins are antioxidants that also act as vaso-dilators to improve blood flow.  So next, I added red raspberries, goji berries, and bilberries to the list included in Upbeet.  Bilberries, are the same family as blueberries, however contain a higher level of antioxidants than blueberries.  Upbeet flavor was coming together, and it was packing a punch of healthy ingredients.  I next needed something that give that “pre-workout” feeling without having to add caffeine, which sometimes makes people feel “jittery”.  I discovered Maca Root, a type of ginseng that helps aid in digestion, yet also has proven effects of increased energy, so in you go!  Add some organic ginger and cinnamon, and lastly, I need something to add a bit of sweetness, but not too much.  I noticed on my old pre-workout, it used a sucralose, an artificial sweetener shown in studies to be harmful by altering the good bacteria in our stomachs lending a weaker immune system to fight off diseases.  I encountered organic agave, which is not as sweet as sugar, and is much lower on the glycemic index than sugar, meaning it doesn’t spike the blood sugar levels as quick as sugar.

Mix this all together in our proprietary blend, all organic, nothing artificial, and introducing Upbeet Endurance Powder!  Scientifically proven to increase performance, increase energy, and improve your immune system for optimal health.  However, like all supplements, it is not regulated by the FDA, and does not claim to treat, prevent, or cure any illness.  Like all supplements, you should always consult your physician before making any dietary changes.  visit our site at 

Wishes for Optimal Health and Happiness!!DSCF1822