The “Beet” on the Street with Upbeet!

beetbulletI am always amazed when I do events for Upbeet, how many people have never tried beets.  Honestly, what’s surprising is that the generation from the mid 30’s and older, have tried and mostly enjoy the taste, but the younger generation mostly have never tasted beets before.  As a beet lover, I will agree the taste of raw beets is very “earthy” yet sweet.  But with seasoning and some baking, beets can be a wonderful and nutritious compliment to any meal.  Not to mention, but if you have raw beets, which half my garden is, cutting a chunk off and adding to your dark color smoothie is a healthy boost.  Let’s take a look at the power of the beet:

  • Raw beets are rich in Vitamin A, B1, B6, C and minerals such as iron, copper, and magnesium.  Essential for a healthy immune system.,
  • Beet leaves are rich in fiber, which is important for a good digestive system and helping to lower cholesterol.
  • Beets are rich in folate which supports the synthesis of DNA in the cells and is extremely important for potential mothers to protect against neural tube defects of unborn babies.
  • High in antioxidants that which help neutralize free radical cell that have been known to contribute to chronic diseases like cancer.
  • High in dietary nitrates, which your body converts to nitrix oxide, which helps relax and expand blood vessels, allowing more blood flow.  Helps lower blood pressure and also shown to improve endurance among athletes in test studies.

Hope that helps shed some light on why you NEED beets in your diet.  If you can’t get past the taste of beets, than you need to try Upbeet Endurance Drink, which each scoop is the equivalent of consuming 2-3 whole beets with leaves!

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